Media Buyers


your media buying

Express all of your targeting and buying requirements in Smart Contracts and bid for inventory that fulfills them. Complete transparency between Media Buyer and Publisher and explicit, privacy-compliant commercials for additional 1st & 3rd party data and services.

Current challenges Media Buyers

Programmatic remains the most practical way for Media Buyers to purchase inventory and to target specific audiences but it comes at a cost...

Opaque Supply Chain

The architecture of OpenRTB makes it impossible to govern data usage and ensure regulatory compliance. It will soon be impossible to leverage 1st and 3rd party data via existing technologies.

Compliance with Data Privacy Laws

Around half of all ad spend goes to intermediaries and technology vendors rather than publishers, inflating costs and reducing the return on investment for media buyers.

DSP Lock-In and Prohibitive Tech Costs

Based on today's technology, only a handful of DSPs can facilitate listening to enough traffic to make RTB worthwhile, due to the ratio of waste to genuine value outlined above.

There is a better way

We are introducing new solutions powered by decentralised technologies to radically improve your ability as a Media Buyer to cost-effectively, compliantly reach the right people with your messaging.

Nova: Lite DSP powered by Smart Contracts

Trade directly with Publishers running Galaxy. No intermediaries or hidden fees.

Future-proof your media buying

  • Trade directly with Publishers running Galaxy. No intermediaries or hidden fees.

  • Smart Contracts provide the most secure and transparent buying process available to date.

  • Tech costs are an order of magnitude lower than "bidder-as-a-service" offerings.

  • Integrates with Horizon to support rich targeting using 1st and 3rd party data

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