Next generation ad-serving
An open-source prebid compatible ad server powered by Smart Contracts. Galaxy supports adapters for Prebid.js and prebid-server allowing a fast and easy integration into existing publisher ad tech stacks.
Key Features
Galaxy allows Publishers to incrementally migrate from today's opaque, non-compliant programmatic advertising ecosystem towards automated and auditable compliance with user privacy laws the more they use it.
Compatible with Prebid.js
Implementation is easy via the Galaxy Prebid.js Real-Time Module & supported 3rd party bid adapters.
Automated Privacy Compliance
Support for enforcing TCF v2 ensures your compliance with GDPR.
Built on decentralised tech
Galaxy Ad Server leverages blockchain technology & smart contracts to provide a new way of trading with no hidden intermediaries.

100% Transparency. All the way to the code.
We believe that the only true way to combat the opaqueness in today's programmatic advertising practices is by building the new generation of core technology in the open and in collaboration with the ecosystem.
Our technology is open-source and can be audited, tested and run by anyone.
Be one of the first to use GalaxyEarly-Access Program
Apply to join other exclusive Publishers, Media Buyers and Data Providers in our invite-only early-access program.
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